S5 Beta: So much to learn

* Start Scene *

* P.c.P gets up and dusts himself off and flips a lightswitch. The devastation that rocked the the once proud halls becomes more visible to Mizzle. He then turns to P.c.P and his eyes widen at the haggard looking pink fellow standing before him. *

You're P.c.P, aren't you?

* P.c.P's eyes narrow. *

... how did you know that?

... well, you're pink. Why is that, anyways?

* P.c.P looks to the sky, as if trying to remember a long-forgotten memory. *

... in the before time, B.a.D used to say that everyone who walked through those doors turned the color and font that best represented themselves.

* Mizzle's eyebrow raises. *

And you went pink, huh?

Don't bother with the gay jokes, I've heard them all in the before time, "Mizzle". Or should I call you "Mr. Verdnana Blue"?

Huh, you're right. Well, enough about that. What do you mean, the "before time"?

The before time. The long long ago. Would you like a soy mocha latte with cream?

No thanks. And that looks like puddle water.

The coffee machine broke after the long long ago.


Was "the long long ago" and "the before time" that you're talking about before this place was destroyed?

* P.c.P looks around with despair, sighs, takes a sip of his puddle water and nods. *

What happened? G.g.B? Yochanan? Carry-On? Another Mother Against? Did they come back and do this?

No one could take down this place on their own... it collapsed under the weight of it's own success.

And B.a.D?

* P.c.P's eyes begin to well up with tears. *

When was the last time you said you talked to him?

About a month ago.

* P.c.P sighs. *

Just before all this happened... then it's too late for this place. And too late for me. You should go.

* P.c.P turns around and walks away, sipping his puddle water. *

What do you mean? I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what happened to B.a.D! Why hasn't he called me? What the hell happened to him after this place went down?

* P.c.P turns and looks at Mizzle with a somber look. *

... he's dead?

* End Scene *

Everyone thinks that B.a.D is dead...

Stay tuned...


Anonymous said...

go mizz

u got ur own font n everything

Anonymous said...

this is sweet

Anonymous said...

sweet, come here today and see two new posts