All In - Part 4 Of 5



* Fade into Tony Ekobruzzi walking into his den to grab the last of his things…

… only to see B.@.D sitting in his chair. Ekobruzzi smiled. *

Ekobruzzi: I’m surprised you’re still here, I thought you’d be gone by now.

Tony… I need you to do something for me.

* Fade out to Ekobruzzi smiling and sitting in a chair across from B.@.D... *


* Fade into the safe house. B-Rush walked up to it, and Ozi-Style came out to greet him. She saw the dirt and soot on his face from the explosion, and gave him a hug. *

My God… are you all right?

I’m fine. Have you been able to reach Katherine?

Not yet, B-Rush, I’m sorry… I’ve been trying.


* B-Rush and Ozi-Style looked over to see Katastrophe and Mizzle walking in over the distance. *

Gangs all here.

Now what?

Now we hear what Lookalike told B-Rush.

Not until I get a hold of Katherine.

* To Ozi-Style. *
You haven’t heard from her?

No, not yet.
* They hear a crackling from inside the safe house. *
The radio!

Maybe that’s her.
* He rushed inside.

The rest of them followed B-Rush inside the safe house, where there was a call coming in. B-Rush picked up the walkie-talkie. *

Hey. Katherine?

Tate: Hello? Who is this?

Dammit! Here.
* Hands headset to Katastrophe. *

Tate: Katastrophe! I heard about The Candy Store being taken over. Are you all right??

I’m fine. Mizzle and I made it out.

Tate: Did you hear about Lookalike? Is the rest of your crew OK?

They’re fine. We think it was someone with O.s.H or G.g.B, but we don’t know for sure. Are YOU all right?

Tate: I have a few of my men, and we have taken shelter with some citizens. We will have to find them a way out of Canada soon.

… I’m so sorry about Harper. I may not have agreed with what he did, but I know you looked up to him…

Tate: The Prime Minister was a great man. His death will be avenged.

Tate, where are you?

Tate: In a suburb outside Ottawa. They haven’t gotten to the smaller towns yet. Do you know how they knew about B.@.D? Is what they said about him and the mob true?

We don’t know how they knew, and we don’t know if it’s true.

Tate: Where are all of you?

… but we’ll come and get you! We can…

Tate: No… you misunderstand. Have you not heard about O.s.H?

Uh… NO. What about him?

Tate: We just learned that he infiltrated Canada as well, apparently just before Harper was killed. He has a girl named Katherine hostage… apparently one of you knows her… and has taken her to a warehouse back in Calgary.

* B-Rush’s head snapped over to the radio. *

How do you know this?

Tate: He has just released a recording all over the internet.

What does he want with her!!!

Tate: … the tape says he wants all of you… to turn yourselves into him.

Let’s go, guys.


We’re at LEAST a 2 hour walk away from where we hid the B.@.Dship!

Tate: You will never make it!!! He says he will kill her in an hour if you don’t present yourselves.


There’s no way we can even make it to the ship in an hour, let alone get all the way back to Canada!

We’ll make it. We have to. Everybody RUN!

Tate: Wait!!! You need a plan!!!

Fuck a plan!!!

He’s right. We’ll figure it out on the way. Let’s GO!!!

* Fade out to the B.@.Dcrew starting their run down the path towards the B.@.Dship. *


* Fade into a warehouse. O.s.H is standing there surrounded by his soldiers. *

Soldier: How long can we stay here, boss? G.g.B is sure to know that we are here now, too. He will send his armies after us.

* O.s.H’s eyes glowed orange. *
As long as it takes. They have 20 minutes left to show up. Then we kill the girl and move out.

* Over by the door, tied to a chair, Katherine trembled. She never imagined anything like this could ever happen, or that she could be so scared.

She wanted only one thing, and that was B-Rush to come and save her. She knew he must have seen the tape that O.s.H had put out, and she reassured herself constantly that he must be on his way.

She looked over at O.s.H. Just as B-Rush as told her, his eyes we’re completely dead, and glowed orange. If this was the kind of evil that the man that she loved was facing…

Her thought was cut in half as she heard a voice yell from outside. *

I’m coming in!

* Katherine’s heartbeat quickened as all the soldiers trained their guns on the entrance the voice came from, but they all turned to look back at O.s.H, who looked as shocked as he did pleased. *
Well, well, well… the Gods have sent me a gift!

* Katherine’s eyes widened in disbelief as B.@.D walked into the warehouse, hands raised above his head. *

It appears G.g.B was right. You are still alive. That G.g.B couldn’t even manage to kill you with a warehouse full of soldiers.

* B.@.D smiled. *
Well, you got what you wanted. I’m turning myself into you. Now let the girl go.

I said I wanted the B.@.Dcrew.

This isn’t a little bit better? You could do what G.g.B couldn’t do if you take me.

* Looking directly at him. *
… what makes you think I won’t kill you? I killed that “Lookalike” that thought he could use my face to rule one of my countries.

… it was you.

… and you’re ready to die so this girl can return to your friend?

Believe it.

* O.s.H’s eyes glowed orange as he pondered B.@.D’s statement. *
… very well. Put your hands out in front of you, and you will be handcuffed.

* Motions to Katherine. *
Not until she’s out of here.

* O.s.H laughs. *
Well, B.@.D, you appear unarmed, and you walked in here without a way to get her out. I would say, because of that gross negligence on your behalf, that you forfeit the girl’s life and we get you anyways. Or maybe we can even still use her to get the B.@.Dcrew! Did you really think I would just let her go? Did you really TRUST me?

* B.@.D just smiled at O.s.H… *
… or is there another reason you came unarmed…

* A crash echoed through the building as hundreds of red dots appeared on the bodies of O.s.H and all his soldiers. *

Ekobruzzi: My men have sights trained on every one one of you! Let B.@.D and the girl go, and everybody walks out of here!

… like that. Like backup.

Yeah. Just like that. Say goodbye.

Is that the world famous Tony Ekobruzzi? It appears G.g.B was even right about your new friends, as well. The great and noble B.@.D, in bed with mobsters...

WHAT will the kids in my fanclub think? My single’s just gonna tank.

… do you really think that a bullet will kill me, B.@.D?

No. But it will kill all your men, here. And without men to help you out of Canada, I still doubt your ability to flee this country now that G.g.B and his soldiers have taken it over.

G.g.B is nothing more than a…

Clock’s ticking. G.g.B’s forces will be here any minute. You let us go or we all die, right here, either by a shootout or by G.g.B.

You think G.g.B will spare YOU?

No, but I was willing to turn myself into him months ago, knowing what might happen, to do some good. And the difference between you and me is, I’m not afraid to die if it’s for something good.

* O.s.H spat at the ground and his eyes glowed orange. *
… VERY WELL! Untie the girl!

* O.s.H’s solders reluctantly untied Katherine. As she stood from the chair, she gave a look to B.@.D, whom she had never met before, who seemingly risked sacrificing himself for her. He gave her a nod, and she headed for the door.

After she was out, B.@.D backed slowly towards the door, smiling at O.s.H. O.s.H’s eyes glowed orange, and he was seething with rage. *

… this isn’t over.

* B.@.D remembered hearing those exact words from G.g.B once before, right after they had re-taken the B.@.Dcave, almost exactly a year ago now. He replied with the same thing he had said to G.g.B back then. *
I believe you.

* As B.@.D turned around, he felt what felt like pure energy go through his body. It had felt like months ago when he was shot, but this time he saw no white light, and a sense of dread filled him.

He knew that this time, he would not be waking up. Nobody was faking his death this time. This time, it was real.

He barely even had time to register his own shock before he lost consciousness on the ground, hearing vague faraway shouts from Ekobruzzi. *

Ekobruzzi: O.s.H got him!!! FIRE!!!

* B.@.D saw an exchange of fire as his world began to go black. Many of O.s.H’s men fell, but many more of Ekobruzzi’s men fell when O.s.H hurled balls of what looked like pure orange energy out of his outstretched hand, just like B.@.D had seen him do in Iraq. That must have been exactly what O.s.H had done to him just now…

Ekobruzzi’s bullets landed into O.s.H but seemingly had no effect. B.@.D knew that Ekobruzzi’s men stood no chance against O.s.H. So with his last ounce of strength, he yelled out to Ekobruzzi… *
TONY!!! Get Katherine!!! Get your men out!!!

* He saw Ekobruzzi glance down at him sadly as his eyes shut. *

* As Ekobruzzi’s men fell back and the warehouse went silent, O.s.H stood up and walked over to the body of B.@.D. He stared at the lifeless man in front of him, eyes wide with a terrifying grin… *

Get him to the ship. I’ll be there shortly.
* He pointed to two of the soldiers. *
You two, come with me. We’re going after them.

* The soldiers picked up his lifeless body and rushed him out of the warehouse as O.s.H and two of his followers got into the car and sped after Ekobruzzi and his men.

Fade out. *



Anonymous said...

hes not dead

Anonymous said...

of course hes not
cool tho

Anonymous said...

hmmmm so BAD saved katherine, but "dies" in the process now Ekobruzzi is going to get her... then what?

Anonymous said...

i think OSH will get to them first

Anonymous said...

i didnt see the "DEATH" coming. iwould say hes dead if it was anyone but BAD, we all know he doesnt die

Anonymous said...

i could see him dying and coming back from the dead

Anonymous said...

thing that does suck about this tho, whatever happened, we prolly wont see BAD reunite with the crew. this series, anyways

B-Rush said...

whoa.... dude - maybe it's just me 'cause of the personal connection and such...

But I'm actually getting worried about Katherine... excellent writing my friend!

Anonymous said...

no BAD reuniting with crew, and likely wont... iagree it sucks... god work tho!

Anonymous said...

GREAT writing so far!!!!

Anonymous said...

hahaha brush u dont know how this ends???

B-Rush said...

Don't have a CLUE how it ends - I have my theories... but they're just ideas.

I try not to read ahead of time (although I COULD), don't want to ruin the surprise.