S4 Finale: You say goodbye, I say hello

OK. The season's ending with this post, which is kind of a two-parter. This is the finale for S4, but there's an epilogue coming sometime in the near future. Before that happens though, I need to clear something up here.

I recently realized that I foolishly used up all my good Bush jokes in the first post with G.g.B. Since then, you've talked, like, once or twice, man.

Sorry... usually I have people to type out what I should say for me.

I know. So why don't you use this time, right now, to show that you still have something to offer. You have the floor. Why don't you just be yourself?

OK, umm...

Hey, ever done it with a stripper? They're some psycho bitches.

Ummm... o-o-o-o-k...

Listen, it's not working out. You've been on board for a couple months, and it's 3 months since you're last vacation to Texas. I think you might be in need of...

You mean...?!? Another vacation?!?

Um, sure.

For real, for true???


Fantastic! It's been, like, 3 months since my last one, and that got cut short by that hurricane terrorist attack! And I'm going back to Crawford in another 6 months, so I need to rest up.

All right. Take it easy.

See you! And Remember, don't mess with G.g.B!

That's great. See ya.

And that's that. With G.g.B gone, the guest star thing has run it's...

So long, G.g.B. And thanks for the trip to Guantanamo, you f*ck.

F*ck me! P.c.P! You're back! How the hell have you been?

P.c.P has experienced all the best in his recent endeavors...

... that is, ya know, since you let G.g.B send me to f*cking Guantanamo.

Sorry, but I didn't wanna stretch the joke too thin, ya know?


Never. I'm glad you're back.

P.c.P would like to wish G.g.B the best with his future endeavors.

Me too.

Just kidding. F*ck that guy.


Guess what? I'm out of classes. Tranlsation: season's over after this... and I'm going out with a bang after this finale. This is kind of a two part post... this is a finale, but there's an epilogue to come sometime soon that you'll want to read.

I think it's been the best season so far... the guest star thing was entertaining if I do say so myself, Ask B.a.D was pretty damn well received, and Lord knows I had enough to rant about with Another Mother Against and Carry-On to deal with. And Yochanan? Well... he's just a time-tested joke now, isn't he? Can always rely on him for some material.

So let's deal with some of you guys right here, right now, so you don't waste any space when the epilogue and the announcement there within hits everyone like shot in the face from sweet lady brick later this week.

P.c.P would like to wish Another Mother Against the best of luck in her future angst-ridden-teenager-parenting endeavors.

P.c.P would also like to wish Carry-On all the best in his future racist white-man's endeavors.

And lastly, P.c.P would like to wish Yochanan the best of luck with the whole "eating newborn babies" thing.

Just kidding. F*ck you guys. Later fags.

Ah, we're just kidding. We think you're swell. You fags are all right!

Anyone think I should get Mizzle to write for the site if and when the next season starts?

Oops... did I say "if"? Stay tuned for the epilogue...

See you on the other side, motherf*ckers.




Anonymous said...

ow ow

welcome back pcper

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the prayers have been answered

good luck bush!

Anonymous said...

hahahhaa, good season man

Anonymous said...

haha, I can't wait for the epilogue aka the real finale. This one was like a tease.

And whether or not you "let" me do one of these, I'm goint to submit one at some point. If it never makes it, then it was like my 1 second of fame, if it does, I'll reveal more about me then most of you are ready for... or not.
