S5 Beta: Interferance in the path...

* Begin Scene *

The man walked around the dark streets at 2 in the morning, puzzled.

The last month had been different... change had happened. Which wasn't easy... change never is. But he had felt at peace with himself after his city had collapsed onto itself, which was something he wasn't expecting to feel.

But the peace had come almost immediately after it had occured. After standing over the ruins of the city that he refused to call a "blog" like so many others, he looked at it one last time, took a deep breath, smiled and walked away. He had not once looked back.

In the month since, he had kept mostly to himself. He preferred it this way... with so many people around him for the past couple of years, the silence, he felt, was something he needed, at least for the moment. He had made many changes in his life, and had even begun to experiment with a religion that he was starting to immerse himself in.

And he did not once feel like he had made a mistake in moving on. He often thought of, and for moments would feel bad for his little purple friend, but he knew the time would come where he would move on. He also often thought of his close friend, and for moments would wonder what had happened if they had written the posts together that he had been looking forward to before the city fell, but eventually concluded that his friend was better off. Even the thought of his archrival taking the opportunity to make outlandish claims amongst the ruins of his city did not once stir him to the notion of rebuilding.

He was enjoying himself, and he felt at peace.

But something had changed.

He did not know what that something was, or when it was. He couldn't explain it to himself, so he certainly couldn't explain it to anyone else, he only knew that it was true.

He decided to cut his late-night walk short, and return to his apartment. He entered the building, put the key in the door and looked inside. Everything looked exactly the same, except...

There was an envelope on the centre of his coffee table. He looked around, not really alarmed, but puzzled. How had anyone gotten in? Nothing really alarmed him anymore. Until he read the label on the package.

There was no return address, no shipping company logo, nothing except one word, in small letters, at the exact centre of the label.


He became puzzled. No one knew who B.a.D was, no one knew the alias... ever since the fall of his city, he had gone by his real world name. And besides that, no one knew where B.a.D or his alias was. Even if either we're alive. How could anyone have...

He stopped as the package began to ring...

He tore open the package to reveal a simple black cell phone. He recognized the incoming call number. B.a.D stopped, unsure weather to be shocked, angered, or overjoyed.

He clicked the answer button.


... How did you get this number?

* End Scene *

His city collapsed under the weight of it's own success...

But he found a way to move on...

And it took a long time for B.a.D to feel good again...

Then he answered the phone...

And Season 5 Began...

Stay tuned...


Anonymous said...

i KNEW there'd be a season 5


Anonymous said...

it's S5.. not season 5

fuckin sweet

Anonymous said...

Can't wait!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

bad... you're a GOD dude.

i knew there'd be a S5 too... c'mon... you're not gonna pay attention as U of L any more than you did at sait lol.


Anonymous said...

BAD is too smart for this "paying attention" shit

Anonymous said...


surfed here today and found 4 new posts


Anonymous said...


when can we expect reg posts u thinK?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

welcome back bigman

Anonymous said...

hope you're feeling better big guy

we love ya

Anonymous said...

so where IS IT ALREADY