An e-moron is still a moron

Thanks for sending me e-mail about only having one post last week, you meandering bunch of morons. That really improved the already-wonderful last 2 weeks of school, overtime at work, projects, presentations, and exams I'm having.

Speaking of e-mail, thanks to everyone for updating their address books with my new address. Also thanks to everyone who continued to send to my old address, despite me requesting you to do otherwise. Nice netiquette, assclowns.

PREL350 presentation came off rather nicely, with a great mark for something that could have turned into a huge clusterf*ck, especially considering our activities of the night before. I have an awesome team, I really do, and that plays a huge part in enjoying school, and enjoying school plays a huge part in doing well.

Speaking of the night before, had a very good night last Thursday. There are new pictures in the album called "Keg (My Ass) Party". It's called that because Cyotes' version of a keg party includes 6 pitchers, and nothing at all resembling a keg. Unless that keg fell into the river, drifted into the swamp, got sludge in the tap, and a band of aligators took it back to Cyotes after using it as a spitoon, and Cyotes said "Well, clearly we can't sell this, it's sludge. We better give it away in a bogus contest." Ah well, the night was still great, and we got some good pics.

Also, our West Ed trip is in a week and a half, and you know B.a.D will be a happy fella.

The night after the "Keg" party, had a great night with Kacey, where we took the dog to the dog park, got some dinner and chilled. Started playing a new game, Resident Evil 4. Crazy, I tell you! Scary as hell.

Song For Today
Put Your Money
- Ludacris (feat. DMX)

OK, so Arrested Development's season finale was on Sunday... the twist at the end, wow. Just when you think you've got it figured out, something crazy happens. It's absolutely insane that they're thinking of cancelling this. If they do, they're idiots. I have never watched a funnier show. If there's not a third season, that's another good show gone down the tubes. Way to go FOX, you morons. Oh well, I'll get both box sets at least... I already got the first one. So if you want a good laugh, seriously check these box sets out, weather this show gets cancelled or not. I don't make a habit of promoting crap. Make sure you start at the beginning though.

Excellent RAW last night, surprisingly. I'll get into it later this week if I get a chance to write again, right now I'm too lazy. Also, Kacey hasn't seen it yet and I don't want to ruin it a couple of surprises that happened in good old MSG.

Quote For Today:
"There's people who talk about it... and there's people who be about it."
- John Cena

It appears even the wisest of us get confused sometimes. But Amber, you are one of the wisest girls I know, especially considering your age. (Damn, I feel all Fred McMurray all of a sudden...) Whatever. Do what makes sense to you.

Paige: same statement, names reversed. God, I'm lazy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its coyotes, not cyotes. ok buh
