Popein' ain't easy

It's funny. Whenever I sleep anywhere but home, I never get more than 6 hours sleep, tops. Good thing I'm not going to work this weekend, hey? Anyways, while I wait for the wife to get up, let's jump into something important here.

The Pope... it's sad, but the man lived a long life and did more with it than probably any of us could ever hope to do. Even if you're not religious (I'm not), everybody should at least be able to agree that he was a great man.

But because he lived so long and did so much, and was so loved and respected, I would say he's dying a happy man. He wants and deserves to be celebrated, not mourned.

When I die, mark my words, no one is allowed to be sad. I've had and have a great life, a great family, great friends, and the best girl in the world. No one knows the quality of life I have right now. It's that good. It's very busy, yet so good.

I'm the luckiest guy in the world and if I get hit by an FCL truck tomorrow (that's your irony for the day), I want someone up there at my funeral to say thank you to all my friends and family for every second of life that I had. Then everybody has a good time, tell some funny / emberassing stories about me, and move on with life. That's all I want.

So yeah, I'm like... not funny at all today. Hey, I've written a lot this week due to doing nothing in classes, I ran out of funny s*it to say, all right?

However, I have the whole weekend off, I'm chillin' at Nikki's castle this afternoon, at Matt's tonight for the first ever meeting of the Risk super-heels, WrestleMania is tomorrow, Monday I'm back with Matt trying to figure out an assignment that we apparently have no instruction on, and I'm sure I'll be fitting in a Risk game with my Dad here or there (fitting in = beating him, bitch!). So look forward to good stories next week.

Or don't. I give no f*ck. Have a good weekend.


Anonymous said...

WOW - SO MUCH WISDOM!!! I have never fully understood the difference between being Religious and Spiritual/Spiritful. For me, I have come to believe the difference lies in the heads of man, as reflected in man's un-enlightened and flawed interpretations and writings of God's teachings, instead of acting more fully from our hearts and hands. Some of the what the World's Religions have done against Man and the World during the many Crusades and Wars, I believe, cannot be what God intends. The good news is that you Generation Xer's have figured all that out much better than any earlier generations and it only takes 2/4% of you to change and enlighten the world. The World and the future has never been in better hearts and hands, YOU RULE AND ROCK!!!

Anonymous said...

All a mother really wants and hopes for is that her kids grow up to be happy, loving, productive people - you've got it all and you make your dear mother proud!