A Letter From P.c.P... after my bold ranting, that is.

Arrested Development Season 2 is f*cking sweet. Speaking of AD, Brittaney Bromberg is my newest little Arrested Development convert. She watched the entire season (24 eps) in a week. A week. I'm not just blowing smoke here, people. You will like it if you watch it from the beginning. Guaranteed. Just try it. And remember, you heard it here first.

Now that's bold blogging... get it? Ha! Bold blogging!

Song For Today:
Santa Monica
- Theory Of A Deadman

24 S3 is also pretty sweet. I was pretty sure they couldn't top S2, but I was wrong. Watching a high-energy show on the treadmill is always good. About half-way through this box set. Looking forward to hitting The Shield during treadmill time, too.

So Indigo Prophecy is a pretty cool trip. I bought it last week... it's pretty different, which is always refreshing. No shooting or fighting as of yet, so far it's all hand-eye button-combo stuff, which I didn't think I'd like, but they manage to keep it exciting. The story changes based on the actions you take, and I'm not using the guide or any internet help, so that keeps me entertained. It has automatic save points that occur really often, so you have to try to think quickly about how you would handle a situation if you we're actually there, because you cannot go back and load an old save point, which is something I've never run into in a game before. If you make a decision, and you want to go back to change it, you won't be able to. So you have to try to get it right the first time. That alone makes it exciting. I'd advise anyone to check it out who wants to try something different.

Shock, joy, outrage... these are some of the emotions expressed by some of my faithful readers over the addition of G.g.B and P.c.P's expulsion to Guantanimo Bay by G.g.B shortly thereafter.

So in the interest of an open dialogue, this letter came to me today from P.c.P.


How could you let G.g.B send me to Guantanimo, you sadistic f*ck! It's horrible here!

I'd like to see that bastard G.g.B survive ping-pong night. I've learned to do it with a smile... a smile! "Try not to cry this time", my soaped ass.

No one gave me a nickname, so I was forced to give one to myself. I thought it might help me into getting aligned with a gang. In retrospect, "Doobie" wasn't the best choice.

And the other day I was so angry with the whole thing that I started killing ants, stepping on them. Then I got caught up in the moment, and started yelling "Die, you little black bastards, die!"

I got stabbed - a whole lot. The guy who stabbed me is the leader of the RAVAA (Rapists Against Violence Against Ants) gang.

I swear to God, when I get out of here, the first thing I'm going to do is hunt down G.g.B and f*cking thank him for saving me. I learned that I'm clearly a threat to society and need to be contained.

Don't wait for me, B.a.D. I may be in here a while... I'm a very, very sick man.

God Bless G.g.B for leading America and the world into a new age of prosperity.

Best wishes,
Gay F*cking Hetero-Phobe Homo-Metro-Sexual,

Heh, heh.

Wow. His emotions seem all over the place.

Best wishes, Doobie.


Anonymous said...

dude, where the fuck do you come up with this stuff?



Anonymous said...


poor pcp

i mean doobie

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I HEART PCP....bring him back....NOW!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

you're all nuts

the little bush dude has gold written all over it