I was out with the girl in question all of twice. Then found out something about her that made me question her character, (as well as how she gets up in the morning and looks in the mirror and doesn't feel regret for destroying an innocent man's life for no reason other than profit). So I politely told her that I wasn't really into seeing anyone (ie: her) right now.
She took it well. I was happy with it. Didn't work out, no worries. It happens, I just wasn't into it and figured why waste her time and mine when I'm not feeling it. Then she called again, and asked if we we're still hanging out that week... um, OK... no, no we're not. So this time I politely but surely told her that I wasn't into seeing anyone right now, and that's really all there is to it. We don't both have to turn keys or anything, this is not Red October and you are not Alec Baldwin.
So this time she was a little bit more upset and wanted to know what she'd done. I told her it wasn't anything she'd done, I just wasn't feeling it... therefore it was not going to work for me. Nothing personal. Got that out, we ended the conversation, I figured it was done. This was two weeks ago.
Last night she called again. Wondering if I had said I wanted to do something tonight because she couldn't remember for sure. Then I said no, I don't think I said that, but she was pretty sure I had.
Now, I say a lot of stupid things. Such as "Don't worry, I'm pretty sure I won't think any different of you after whatever your story is about your ex-husband." That was pretty stupid. Or when I said "That was fun, we should do this again sometime." That's an example of another stupid thing that I said. But I'm pretty sure I'd remember making plans with someone I'd broken it off with.
Seriously, take the hint. I tried to be nice about this and didn't want to tell her it was because I was deathly afraid of being the second man whose life she ruined for personal gain as well as not wanting to be there when she receives the silver bullet with her name engraved on it that took her ex-husband 4 months salary to buy because he's forced to stay in a foreign country and give her 3/4 of his paycheck, because while that did speed the process up (from turtle to rocketship in about 4 seconds flat), it was really me. Just wasn't where my head was at. But being nice was not getting the message across.
Seriously, what is with people these days? Why the hell get so attached after such a short period of time? Nothing could be more of a turn-off. This goes for guys and girls. Play the game. Relax. Don't stress. Enjoy yourself. It's OK to enjoy yourself.
Mizzle Sez
Better you then me B.a.D... I feel like if anyone, you'd be my first pick to have to deal with someone who just isn't picking up the hint... reading your e-mail, if you will (which she might actually be doing right now...).
I think I've passed on what little ideas I have last time we were hangin out, but if it's still not working, we might have to go to the next level... we're gonna go buy you a new phone, and get a new number. Then we'll stop in at the registry and change your name, and we'll head down to the plastic surgery shop and pick out a new nose, maybe a bigger chin.
I'll phone Julio and see if I can get you into a new place for a few months, you might have to work in the glass blowing factory to earn your keep, but I think this might be what you need. I hear Mexico is nice this time of year.
Bullet Tips
- To break some news that not too many people know about due to it just happening today, one of my favourite people ever, and possibly my most favorite person of the moment, Amber, has included me and a guest to be named later on a 12 person houseboating trip on August 17th for 7 days. Words cannot express my level of pumped-ness. And although I won't know any of the other 11 besides Amber, I've been told that none of them know each other either, so this should be sweet. Sun, a big boat, and beer. I should probably start looking for a liver transplant donor now so it'll be ready when I pull back onto dry land.
- I removed some inactive links from the sidebar, finally. Put up a link to "Arrested Develeblog", which is an Arrested Development site which seems to be the best place to get news and whatnot on the series. I figured this would be useful to some of you (me) during this tense time for us AD fans while we wait for official word of the series pickup and anxiously await the Season 3 DVD release.
- Scott Steiner looks good lately. Maybe I misjudged. Stranger things have happened.
- "Into The Blue" isn't nearly as bad as I thought it'd be. Worth a rental, if for nothing else, partial nudity from Ashley Scott and Jessica Alba in very small bikinis. I've always liked Paul Walker and the other dude that's in this movie. The other dude was in both the Ocean's 11 and 12 movies, and I've always been a fan, and this is his first major role to my knowledge. Check it out.
- I miss Eddie Guererro.
- Mizzle and I are thinking about ways to answer that "best show on TV today" question. Responses upcoming.
- Also... some very entertaining pictures from my Friday night are forthcoming. Those of you who know what I did are probably very scared right now. Those of you who don't know... you should be. Weak hearts beware.
Being female, i am surprised to hear that there are men out there that can get attached so easily... I'm sorry, but time after time i see the girl getting let down like you did to this girl Blair ;o) I am currently living through my male best friend's newly found single life, and i just find it so funny how easily girls attach to him!
hahahaa bad u are the man
stay strong in the struggle brota
24 all day, all the way
shield man
ad cuz of buster and GOB
24, despite lack of tony
24 last night was good, surprisingly
shield all the way
housebouting is going to be THE THANG
cant wait
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