I recently started a new job after working at a dead-end place for almost 2 years......a horrible place, in fact. If you haven't read the wal*mart posts, do so!......too bad I didn't get to pull the trigger, though....... So now, I'm being paid more money to take one hell of a lot less stress and crap, and I'm happy! I started out on the floor, and then got moved into the back offices. I've never had a job where I'm in an office alone all day (counting heaps of money, no less), so it took a little getting used to.......I have to admit I've fallen asleep at my desk once already after a late night, and was promptly busted...but other than that, it's great.
Well that was fascinating, onto the next. There was a comment posted a while back asking about myspace profiles, and if we had one. I can't speak for the brotherhood, but I do indeed have one. No I will not put up the link.
So.....here's the thing. There's someone I've been talking to for.....what, a few weeks? He seems really decent, we have a lot in common, he loves the neck tattoo......and he wants to meet. In person. Obviously.
I've only ever heard ominous things about meeting people online, and given my recent track record with the crazies (and I mean fucking CRAZIES), I'm a little apprehensive.......but he makes me smile (awwww.......yes, you can puke now) and promised me he wasn't an axe murderer. We'll see how it goes, I guess.....
On a completely un-related note, I'm happy to report that since my last post, I have not seriously injured myself, or another person. I think everyone reading this should knock on wood immediately.
Alright, B.a.D, I'm done.........put the shotgun down.......you might need it for your trip to Vulcan.
B.a.D Sez:
I don't remember saying anything about killing you... there's enough MySpace potential killers out there to handle that for me! I'm only picking up the shotgun so I can give it to you to ward them all off.
Riiggghhht........... Remind me NOT to tell you when I'm posting!!!
Mizzle, P.C.P wanted me to ask you to meet him here for lunch.........I'd go with a NO on that one...
Mizzle Sez:
P.c.P is a flamer and I want nothing to do with him and food. Congrats on the new job. Seems to be a bit of that job bug going around... *Stay tuned*
i suppose that'd be cool if we could actually see the picture...
not bad not bad kat
definately a killer
yeah internet meetings are a death trap
now come on guys... i met my current bf on the internet...
and yur still alive!!! good for you!!!
but lets not drag KAT down to ur level
ok that was mean, sorry
the pic worked for me...
BAD, when do we get our wrestling upgrade / downgrade??
u should wait till after this week and ecw ONS...
WHY does everyone hate pcp so much?
i love that little guy.......
mizzles enjoying his new job to
or is he?
question for ASK BAD
I enjoyed seeing the old Kane return, as I was a big fan of Kane's days with the mask. If anybody can refreshen Kane's character, it's himself from the past!
Triple H getting beat down for most of the match because they outnumbered him only to come back and beat them off with a sledgehammer. that's what all of Raw is like right now: All hype, no delivery. Even a Umaga title shot would be better than this. Give him the belt, let him run with it. There's no way it could be this bad.
The only heel on the entire show who isn't a chicken is Umaga.
good post kat!
who the FUCK is Umaga
what was boring?
her post. they always are. sorry man but she drags the whole blog down... send her to creative writing class!
ah come on, let her find her groove
u think BAD or MIZZLE had it dialed in right when they started?
I like her posts!
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