
Wouldn’t you know it? I finish up a murderous day and come home. My plan is to write a post about Katastrophe while I wind down for bed, and what happens… she actually puts a post up. Looks like this one will have to sit and percolate for a few days.

So to everyone who enjoyed the history I put up between myself and Mizzle… here’s one about Katastrophe. I’m not going to out any of her skeletons, but I can tell you the bare bones about our history, and how much she means to me.

Round 1

Kat already gave you the back story of how we met and the bare bones of it… through another friend (Mandy) at Outlaws. Managed to go out a few times, was going OK, not great… then she dumped me. Note for the record that I had never been dumped up to that point, and have never been dumped since then. She is the one blemish on that record.

What a bitch.

I know.

Round 2

Anyways, no worries… we didn’t talk for close to 6 months after that, then I heard from her out of the blue. I was dating someone at the time, but that ended shortly thereafter. We ended up talking regularly again, eventually hanging out… that led to us dating again. I remember that pretty vividly, that was Halloween night.

So we we’re on Round 2… pretty good time was being had, certainly better than Round 1. Here’s a picture of us from way back in the day, and I believe this was during Round 2…

Wasn’t it during Round 2 that she gave you the concuss…

Pipe down, rub-a-dub!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyways, it was going well for a few months… until, on the same night, we both ended up in bad situations… I don’t think either of us were understanding enough on this situation, but that’s just my opinion. We broke up again, this time, mutually, but decided to stay friends.

I eventually started dating someone else, named Julie.

Round 3

Julie was a cool girl… a little high-strung, but cool. And Karine and I we’re actually learning how to be pretty good friends.

We dated for a couple weeks before Katastrophe suggested we try again. I wasn’t sure Julie was the girl for me, so I was about ready to end it anyways, so I did… and we tried one more time.

I believe this lasted another couple months… before I just realized that it just wasn’t going to work. Either one of us would have our head into it and the other wouldn’t, all the time. I realized how much I cared about her, what a cool girl she was… but that we we’re better friends than anything else. And that we should end it before one of us ends up getting hurt and it destroys the friendship.

So I ended it… she knew it was the right move too. Technically each one of us ended it once, and once it was mutual… quite the scoreboard. That was the last time we ever dated.

Before anyone here gets the wrong idea… Katastrophe is an amazing girl to date because she has an amazing, unique, and fun personality. It’s not like I didn’t enjoy it… but we we’re not compatible. And you need to have that. And I know that deep down, both of us knew that. But I also know that any guy that gets to end up with her will be one of the luckiest guys in the world.

The Aftermath

After the short-lived breakup fallout, we immediately started becoming better friends, and I think we we’re both feeling better about our relationship now and that this definitely was best.

It was during this time that I started dating my most recent ex, and was really enjoying the friendship Katastrophe had. Ex was nerved about me hanging out with… uh, well my ex at the time, which wasn’t great, but I certainly wasn’t going to stop talking to one of my friends, especially not after all Kat and I had been through.

However, this quickly became a non-issue, due to…

The Fallout

Katastrophe had done something, unbeknownst to me, while we had been dating, and I found out about it a few months after we had ended it. It’s not what you’re thinking it is, but I’m not going to tell you either, because it honestly doesn’t matter, especially not now, so many years ago, and so much water under the bridge.
Suffice to say, I was hurt. Very much… and I told her that. I didn’t want much to do with her after that. Katastrophe and myself did not talk for close to 2 years after that.

It made it difficult because Kat had become good friends with one of my good friends… so that certainly made it awkward for a little while, there. I did the best I could to still have a friendship with the mutual friend, despite his still being friends with Kat. Bless him, he did the best he could, but he had it hard.

Katastrophe then met the wrong people, and fell off the face of the earth… to everyone, not just myself.

Two Good Years & Two Better Ones

The next couple years we’re good, but those of you that know me know that I’m always good. I thought about Kat quite a bit, and found that before too long, I didn’t harbor any resentment, I never really did… I was just a bit hurt. But that faded fast, but I didn’t think I’d ever see her again. I did hope that she had made a good life for herself.

After those couple of years, she called. Out of the blue. Said she was back at home. I was certainly surprised to hear from her, but it was a pleasant surprise.

She had told me what she had been through for the past 2 years, and it sounded horrible. She said she had missed me, she also said she was sorry for everything.

We ended up hanging out and reconnecting. Not romantically, just friendship-wise. Since then, I’d be hard-pressed to ask for a better friend.

Her and my ex do / did not get along. Katastrophe has an incredibly strong personality, but bless her, she tried so hard and would not give up trying to make it work with her because she knew how important that was to me. It was actually the ex’s best friend who told me that although it wasn’t right, the ex wasn’t going to give her a fair chance. She was right.


Along with all my friends, who are the best in the world, Kat was there for me during the breakup earlier this year. She’s been there for me for everything, actually.

Katastrophe is one of those true friends you always hope for. We talk almost every day.

The other night Katastrophe was stranded and needed a ride… and apologized for it today. Well there was no need for apologies, the fact that I had to go and pick her up at 2:30 in the morning just means that I’m thankful that I have this friend that I can help out.

So thank you Kat, thanks for the ride and all the bumps along the day. You’ve taught me more about myself and about friendship than I knew it was possible to learn, and you are one of the best friends I could ever hope to have.


Mizzle Sez:
Now those are some sweet pics. I love the OZZY shirt KAT is sporting in the second one! So I thought I'd add a little junk on the end of this post just to remind some of you that I'm still here. Not that I'm the one who needs to do that *cough* KAT *cough*. So anyway, I wanted everyone to know that when they get a Monday morning blog, the B.a.Dcrew has to go through hell with this site to get it all loaded and ready to go. Traffic is a friggen headache. Speaking of traffic, I'm going to not have to travel in traffic jams on the way to work anymore. Simply because I've got everything ALLLLL figured out. It amazes me how smart I am sometimes.

Which leads me to my next point. I'm off for my last trip with my current employer. You can find me in 3 places for the next 11 days. Chicago, Burlington Vermont, and upstate NY. When I get home on the 23rd of this month, I'll be swinging into my place for about 2 hours, just enough time to switch out my luggage and head to a wedding in some small town in the middle of Saskatchewan with Amanda. Should be an awesome time. So with this being the end of my epic adventures, I decided I'm going to treat this last trip like a vacation. I believe I have some really easy shows with short hours, so I'm gonna have fun with it.

That's all for now, B.a.D and I are planning a blog bashing... stay tuned.



Anonymous said...

hahahaa its like a fucking love in around here these days

Anonymous said...

blog bashing?????

you ARE a blog...

Anonymous said...

no its a "livejournal"


Anonymous said...

i think they meant OTHER blogs

Anonymous said...

hahaha awwwwwwww it was a good post!

Anonymous said...

awwwwwwww yeah i liked it too

u guys are cute

Anonymous said...

is this the fucking OC?

Anonymous said...

Well now that you've covered all your best friends, and girlfriend it must be about time for an "i love my sister" post...yes? yes?

Anonymous said...

yes? yes?


Anonymous said...

haha it IS like OC

and i LOVE IT

Anonymous said...

bon voyage for the last time mizzle!

Anonymous said...

who's this "amanda" mizzle speaks of - and why no post on her?

Anonymous said...

yeah no doubt

Anonymous said...

hahahaa i think u got the jealous ex again mizzle ;)