Where should I start with explaining myself... well, I don't have to so I won't. How's that? I've been a little busy running here and walking there, but plan on just jogging for awhile so don't you worry your pretty little head about me not being here. Whoever you are.
NHL - Well I'm pretty far behind in terms of talking about all of the things that have happened so far this off season, so I'm not going to do a big recap, just a small one. And it goes something like this.
There has been a fuck ton of changes from team to team, and I could see some loving it and some hating it. Some teams have been remodeled and could be cup contenders. Past cup contenders have been remodeled and are now back to where they were in the mid 90's *cough* Oilers. But don't worry Edmonton fans, you'll get some talent back in 2 years. Maybe after the Edmonton residents stop torching their own city after a win... Allow me to take you on a journey - Vancouver 1994 Huge riot, mess in the streets, people hurt, local businesses destroyed. Why? Well because they LOST the cup final. That's a tough pill to swallow. Especially when you're high as a fricken kite. Back to a month ago... Edmonton "riot" it was a fairly small scale. But the same results, people hurt, businesses blah blah blah. But why? Well they WON a hockey game... Look people, if your family is in a city that is known as a trailer court with high rises and it gets trashed because of a victory, you're gonna want to get the hell out!
Now don't get me wrong, I like Edmonton, I think it's a nice place to visit. In fact I'm there almost once a month. I'm just saying it might be sending a strong signal of how hostile of a place it can be. Me being from the Calgary area, you could say I'm biased and then you could go on to torch me and the city. To which I say, save your time and anger, I don't really care. Or better yet... start your own "blog" (or join an already successful one like me) and allow your fingers to fire away.
Moving along. I see there's a comment about me not having balls. To which I say - I had no idea me not discussing my "family" life decides my history of casterization. You should be a medical historian... now wait, I'm not done. Lets revisit this completely.
Anonymous said: mizzle, why dont u get some balls and tell us about ur woman
I think I wrote about 5 posts ago that I had decided not to discuss personal life things up to and including "my woman". Which I think is respectable. Maybe I'm wrong... nahhh I'm never wrong. So in case our memories are that short, or perhaps posts were missed I'll re-open the issue.
I write in this "blog" for fun. Therefore if I am having fun doing something I will keep doing it. If something seems like it would be fun to me, I'll try it. If something is fun, I'll appreciate it. Me talking about my personal life giving you (not you John and Jane Q reader, I mean you fucktard who wants to know these things) something to read about to maybe supress the depressing lifestyle you yourself lead, is not something that I want to do. Sticking with the theme... it's not fun to me.
Why would you want to know? Why would this bother you so much? Who would give 2 shits anyway? You will read what B.a.D, Kat, and I give you to read. If you don't like it, don't click here. I appreciate a question being asked, but if you think by insulting me I wouldbeat my chest like a roid ridden asshole and stand up and tell you all I can about someone in my life just so you "anonymous" don't insult me ever again. Fuck that, grow some balls yourself, stick your name on your comment, leave a way for me to contact you so maybe I can decide if you as an individual are someone that I would like to discuss these things with. Chances are, that you're not anyone I would talk about this with because I think all of the people who mean anything to me in this life know all they need to know.
Moving along... no wait. A little more. I'm gonna put it out there again. I have no desire to discuss personal issues such as "my woman" in this "blog" so therefore I'm not going to. I have no reason to have my "family" involved in any of this perhaps for the smallest thing called respect for their privacy. So thanks for asking if I would, er rather stating my lack of balls for not doing it. But I'm gonna stay on the high road and let everything just keep on the way it is.
Again I appreciate your concern, but have no sympathy for your longing for the nitty gritty. Don't take this to serious though, it's not a complete attack on your character, you're just mentioned as anonymous. You know the answer you came seeking, now you can move on. Maybe get your own "blog" and write about what is on your mind and share the things you want to share. That'd be great, if it wasn't depressing people might read about it, if it was funny they might return. Regardless, I'm not going to.
Now that little problem is out of the way, I have spent all the time I've budgeted for posting. So thanks to stupid stuff you guys/gals get a half thought out post with a little flaming and no real thoughts on the mind of me.
But keep on keepin on, I'll return.
B.a.D Sez:
We all write for different reasons, peopple, and Miz is right. Because the 3 of us are different, each of us will like writing about different things. I started this as a way to keep in touch with friends I don't see as much as I'd like, so I have no problem writing about personal things. For Miz, Kat, or both, they might not enjoy it.
I enjoy writing the B.a.Dstories because I find them fun, they don't. They enjoy them, but they wouldn't write their own, I don't think. And guess what, if I stop liking the story posts, you'll stop getting them. Hell, if any of us don't like writing altogether, then that person won't do it. Everyone writes here because they want to be here, and that's really all there is to it. If they don't want to write about whatever, or at all, then no one is going to force them. I want Miz and Kat to write becuase they want to write. And I want them to write about whatever they want.
Badass post, Mizzle. You kicked ass like this hamster.

nice hamster
ahhhhhhh come on
man up mizzle
just kidding
nice post
its an ANGRY post
someones just mad that edmonton made it a fuck of a lot further than calgary this year, sounds lke
I don't think he's mad about that, seeing as how Edmonton wasn't even in the playoffs in 04.
And it was more a slap to the face of Edmontonians, get some pride up there.
Nah I don't think so... i think both teams we're pretty well even this year, i Just think Calg played bad on a couple key games, i dont think eddie deserved to be that far either way
of course, im from BC, sooooo
neither team deserved to win
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