This site continues to dominate internet traffic. I am awestruck. No wait, that sounds gay. Lets just say I'm impressed. Yes, impressed. That will do.
I've been finishing up the last installment of the next B.a.Dstory, as I had previously decided to call it. However, now I've decided to change it to The B.a.Dsaga. Just sounded cooler. I put links to the B.a.Dsaga so far down below the "Our Recent Posts" menu on the sidebar, which by the way, you'll notice, is fully-functional again.
This latest installment in the B.a.Dsaga is the best story I've written so far, and I hope you all like it as much as I do. People seem to like The B.a.Dsaga. It will be going up soon... not exactly sure when. When I'm 100% satisfied that it's done, and when I'm ready to end those seasons. Could be tomorrow, could be a few weeks from now. But it's not long off.
Also, with some fun little picture tools, I made a cool little movie-poster-like thing to give you guys a little bit of a teaser...

I am B.a.D
Song For Today:
- Commuter
its a trick, everyone will come back
i LOVE the story posts BAD, and i hadnt read the ones previous to the walmart ones
i like the new menu, and i cant WAIT for the new badstory
POLL: who is going to die???
opinions and guesses please
though i hope not
though i hope no one dies
looking forward to the stories though!!!!!
I think Mizzle will. He's been quiet lately and busy with things. I bet he's done.
well kat never wrote that much in the first place
nah, not Mizzle... gotta be Kat or PCP
remember here fellow BADfans, it's got nothing to do with who we think should go, its whoever wants to stop writing
its not a tvshow
it should be tho :D
no ones going to die
it'll be a trick
or it'l be PCP
i hope not tho, hes my favourite
pcps been around less than anyone these days
although... hes not real soooooo
i cant believe someone is dyinG!!!
i dont WANT her to go tho
i dont want ANYONE to go
kat although i hope not
i hope its not ANYONE
thats a wicked picture
is that a bullet crashing thoruhg a window?
miz and / or kat will be dead TO ME if they dont do a post soon
lol, nicely put
where are the otheres this week!??!?!
thank god for BAD...
PS: thats a good song
nah u know what?
its BAD
then he'll be resurrected in time for season 7
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