My Head Hurts

First off, let me just say that I just now, as in 5 minutes ago, read the angry mom rebuttal ........
BLAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!! I'm still wiping away the tears!!!! are the king.


I've been a little behind in my posts as of late, seeing as how I worked a 10 day stretch and am now thoroughly enjoying a 4 day weekend. Well.....I was enjoying it, right now however, is not so fun. I shouldn't even be awake right now, seeing as how the crew (and about 30 other people) got together last night for a triple birthday party and I somehow didn't make it home until 5 this morning........I left the party at head hurts.
It's so never a good thing when you get home as your parents are getting up and think 'Heeeey, now would be the perfect time to show them the newest tattoo' .....hell no, think again.
It was good times, though, I bonded with B.a.D's girlfriend. Wow, give that girl 5 beers and away she goes!!!!!! She's thoroughly awesome, though, good job B.a.D!!!!!!! Now fix your airconditioning before I kill you. I also, for the first time in katastrophic history, won at poker.....I'm talking $60!!!! Of, I might have had a little help, so I donated it towards the purchase of more beer after we polished off the keg and flats of coolers. Did I mention my head hurts?
There was even a sumo wrestling ring complete with fat suits. We, unfortunately, forgot our cameras, so no sweet sumo pics for the site.......oops.

On another note, I also had a date this past Thursday......wait until you 'awwww' was fabulous!!!! So good, in fact, that it still makes me you may 'awwww'. It's almost to good to be true, in fact, but I think excellent things will happen with this one. And bonus: He's not a psycho!!! My parents and close friends will love that!!!!
*flashback to the last guy I dated who moved to my neighborhood a week after meeting me and left me 7 minute long creepy SINGING messages.....about 20 times a day......ask B.a.D, I'm not kidding*
I'm seeing him tomorrow, in fact. He has 2 tickets to the rodeo.....not exactly my scene, but as long as I'm with him it will be fun.....HAHA, yes I'll stop now, before I make anyone reading this feel as sick as I do. Wow my head really does hurt.

I unfortunately made plans to go out for dinner tonight with B.a.D, Aleta and a friend (no offense dear, it just that my f*cking head hurts), so I have to get ready.....I think they'll kill me if I walk out in my pyjamas. And if I even see a drink tonight, I'll be sick.
Wish me luck for tomorrow!!!!!


B.a.D Sez:
Ahh yes, this may be the new winner post since you started writing for the site, my friend.

Yes, go ahead, Ask B.a.D. She's not kidding.

I had the pleasure of listening to this 7 minute long message, as well as many others, left by this individual in question. I recall mentions of camping, staring at stars, him emphatically stating that he has no, and does not want any friends (want and not having are 2 different things) talking about his ex-wife (she must have been scared crapless), him emphatically stating how different he is from other people (no shit), him emphatically stating that he doesn't talk a lot (despite this message as drastic evidence to the contrary), and, the winner... the grand champion, cosmic eggs.

That's right. Cosmic eggs.


Don't... do not... don't think about what a cosmic egg is for more than 3 seconds or blood will shoot out your nose.

Let me consult Mizzle's dictionary...
Cosmic Eggs:
Not found.

So yes, your family and close friends, myself included, will love it if this one works out better.

Good luck baby.

(In the words of the late great Yokozuna, YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHHHHH!)

BLAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, ohhhhhh yes, I forgot about the fucking cosmic eggs.......I believe we all locked our car doors upon hearing that creepy message......
You think a guy is normal for at first, go on one frickin' date, then have a bonafide psychopath on your hands. Who lives down the street. Oh yes, good times. Oh well, I ignored his calls for an entire month and he moved to Edmonton.......they can f*cking have him.

*Remember, when travelling to Edmonton, please keep car doors locked at all times.

(Sumo champion, YEAH RIGHT, he fought against a girl, got knocked down and couldn't get out of his fat suit!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA)



Anonymous said...

hahahahahaha, the one time you losers forget your camera, and we could have had pics of you guys fuckin sumo wrestling

Anonymous said...

Wow - this guy sounds like an effin loser!! Sure you don't want to try a second date??? HAHAHAHAHA!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAH leave the poor girl alone

us girls have to deal with some nutty guys :D

Anonymous said...

like us guys dont have to deal with nutty girls?

you KNOW stupid girls are on the on BADnotice board, right???


Anonymous said...

oooooh lol

Anonymous said...

hahaha yeah i agree bad, kat this is one of ur better posts

Anonymous said...

hahahahhaa poor bad

i wish u guys had pics of the sumo shit

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

my friends and close family will love that!!!

love it

Anonymous said...

katastropic history was sweet

shoudl be the name of a segment for her

like mizzle's TURN THE PAGE or B.a.D's million and a half segments

Anonymous said...

leave the poor girl alone? HAHAHAHA sounds like she shot him down so he had to move in shame!!!! Good job kat

Anonymous said...

hahahhaha i LOVE the bad = hood article

Anonymous said...

when do we get our BADstory???????????????

Anonymous said...

i fucking LOVE that SIGNS parody... beautiful

Anonymous said...

i hate that movie

i love ur post tho, kat!!!

Anonymous said...

I WANT TO GO ON A DATE!!!! Good Luck!!