Welcome to S7. Byaaaaah!

(Watch Chappelle Season 3.)

First Off… The Pleasantries

Welcome to B.a.D S7: Revelations.

I had a fantastic vacation, both from this website and from work and school, thanks everyone. I will go into more detail and stories from my eventful vacation at a later date.

I’ve got a lot of things planned in my head right now for the next little while, but before I get there, I wanted to thank everyone who enjoyed the “Ascent / Descent” series. I had a lot of fun writing that one, and in my opinion, it’s the best one I’ve written so far, and the comment board seems to agree with that fact. I think that as I continue to write them, they get better and I try to tell a story that keeps progressing.

I would like to thank Miz and Kat for entertaining the following during my lengthy absence.

Next Off… My 25th Birthday

I’m officially a quarter-century old. I was prepared to feel nothing, or maybe feel really old. But it’s a strange feeling, when you hit a big number like that.

To ease the pain, I got a wicked watch and a badass digital camera. And a $50 Future Shop cards from my girls at work. As well as a lot of cards and birthday wishes in call, text, email, and MSN message form. So thank you to everyone. I’ve said I have the best friends in the world a hundred times, but it’s times like these that it feels more true than ever.

Next Off… In Limbo

So I expected to be back in some new stuff when I got back. For those unaware, I've been considering a couple potential job offers and have switched schools.

As far as the job thing goes, the offers that I've been given are now being pursued by people who are going to bat for me. This is much apprecaited by me, moreso than anyone even knows, because it's not that often people do that for me work-wise, but the downside is this leaves me with little to do but sit back and wait. Which is different for me. Because of where I work, up to this point in my career, if I'm considering a move, it's because I'm unhappy and I take the whole thing on myself. This is a different situation because I'm not unhappy whatsoever. Far from it. Since some rumblings and shakings at the company, me and mine are very comfortable right now. And moving up was not something I had considered doing since I finished school. But it was suggested to me by a few people in the position to make it happen, so now they're doing their thing for me.

As far as school goes, I'm enrolled in Athabasca, which, for those who don't know, is a correspondance school. I've been accepted and am just waiting to get the green light to start from them. As this relates to the job thing, the reason I'm happy where I am is because I can work on the correspondance and get paid handsomly to do my homework there. But nothing says I won't be able to do that at these potential jobs either, so we'll see how it goes.

So in conclusion, I'm kind of in limbo, at least for a couple weeks more. It's a wierd feeling and I don't like it all the time, but there's a reason for everything, including the current limbo I'm inhabiting. Believe me, I've searched up and down for something I can do for both situations, but there's literally nothing. Soon, my pets. Very soon.

Last Off… What’s Coming

As for what’s coming, I’ve got an Ask B.a.D on the way, but that one is going to be about me. A lot of people, especially during the absence, like to make up things about me, so right now, in certain and different circles, there are a lot of things going around about me that just aren’t true. And apparently, everyone and their fish all read this website. I have no idea how they got it, but then again, I have no idea how anyone gets this website. But in this case, that works to my advantage, as I’m going to use this website to clear some of those rumors up.

And on that topic, I want to pose a question. To all of you, to Mizzle, and to Katastrophe. Have you ever had the feeling that all people ever talk about is you? I know how egotistical it sounds, but it seems to be true. In my personal life, from people who I used to know, to people who I know now, to work, to… well, everywhere, it seems. And even though, like I said, this may come off sounding egotistical, I hate that. Between that and people blatantly making things up because they don’t know how to let go, it sucks. But like I said, the good thing is that I’ll be able to use this medium to get a message out to those people, so look for that (possibly with some nice toasty flamings on the side) coming soon.

For those unaware, I was houseboating for 8 days. It was an absolute friggin’ blast, so look forward to a lot of stories from that. The photo album from that is forthcoming as well, although I won’t be posting the photos on here, I’ll post a link to the online photo album.

I’ve also written some posts designed to make everyone think a little bit. Hopefully I can get Miz Sez and a Kat Sez on those sucka’s as well. I’m not going to stop being funny or anything, but I try to add something to this mixed cocktail of a website every time I start a new season. Also, debates are coming, if you've been reading Mizzle & Katastrophe in my absense. I'm looking forward to those. The first one is going to be Star Wars .vs. Star Trek, which apparently, I'm on the losing side of. But that doesn't mean I'm going to lose.

As far as some music for you guys to sink your teeth into, the new DMX CD is awesome. Possibly his best one so far, and that’s saying a lot. Just a kickass rap CD. The Hinder CD is pretty good, a very intense and fun rock ride. Obie Trice CD… ehh, not so much. I was expecting a lot because his first CD was great, but this one is not. There are a couple tracks that aren’t too bad, but the CD, as a whole, I was surprised to find out, is not that good at all, in my opinion.

As far as new box sets go, obviously I picked up Arrested Development Season 3, and I got into the first season of Prison Break on the boat. It’s actually really good, far better than I would have ever expected. Also picked up Seasons 7 and 8 of South Park, which is always a great time. The Chappelle’s Show Lost Episodes are definitely worth checking out, too. Currently, now that the weather is getting cold again, I've just started Lost Season 1 on the treadmill.

As far as books, I finally joined the rest of the world (a couple years late) and am reading The Da Vinci Code, I started that on the boat too. So far, it’s lived up to the hype and then some, and I’m only a quarter-way through it.

Movies? Not too much, really... the state of movies is a sad one these days, but United 93 I did see, and it is great. Check it out. Speaking of which, I love the fact that politicians are protesting the new ABC 9/11 movie because it's "historically inaccurate". I haven't seen it myself, but really, if there's anything that should be the epitome of the complete and accurate truth, it's an ABC made-for-tv movie, right?

... right?!?!

Anyways, I think that’s going to be all for now, but rest assured, there’s lots of stuff in the works. Until then, keep reading, stay B.a.D, and God Bless.
Clap, bitches.

B.a. F’n D

Song For Today:
DMX- Lord Give Me A Sign

B.a.Dism For Today:
I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I’m not.


Anonymous said...

oooooooooooooooooooohhhh badism

i like that

Anonymous said...

thats like 6 posts in 6 days!!! m in heaven:D

Anonymous said...

LOVED the stories and loved teh post

cant wait 4 more

Anonymous said...

good song too


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lot of wisdom in that BADism

Anonymous said...

GREAT POST & welcome back bad!!!

hope ur bday was good

Anonymous said...

cant WAIT for this ask bad.. been a long time

Anonymous said...

hahahaha speaking as a friend of bad, a LOT of shit goes around about him that isnt true

looking forward to u finally setting the record straight. even though i honestly admire they way u dont let it bother u, im glad your putting it out there.

Anonymous said...

b a f'n d


Anonymous said...

i want to see these debates

Anonymous said...

yea me too, i think those'd be sweet

Anonymous said...

yea me too


Anonymous said...

trek, sorry

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i hope BADism is a regular thing

Anonymous said...

GP bad!!!

Anonymous said...

GP bad

no miz or kat this week?

Anonymous said...

at least bad is back

Anonymous said...

i want to c this ask abd

Anonymous said...

bad i know this is late but i got a litlte behind

i * LOVED * the badsaga

keep it coming and welcome back