Let's Hug It Out, Bitches

I closed last night. My assorted activities thereafter garnered me about an hour of sleep. I didn't even go home, and I had to shower here at the gym when I got here before my shift that started at 9, and I'm pulling an all-dayer until about 10 tonight. Then I have to be back tomorrow morning at 9, for a full day, only to have a date to go on directly after.

In other words, I am in shit form.

So what BETTER state of mind could I be in that to write my last post of the season, until the highly-anticipated 4-part B.@.D LiveJournal Season 8 Finale, "Live Together, Die Alone", hits on Tuesday. I've really enjoyed the discusson on this so far, and I think you guys will enjoy it and be surprised.

News And Notes From Last Weekend's Bachlor Party
To my buddy Nitro: strippers are workers, buddy. Do not think they like you until your *BOOP* is in their *BOOP* and you haven't paid for it. Actually, GROSS either way, even if you haven't. That's like eating shit you picked off the floor of a barn.

Speaking of strippers, why does everyone want to go to those lately? Bachelor parties are one thing, but dude, hanging out there on a Saturday night (or anytime, really) is a whole different kinda bad idea. Last time I went to a place like that besides the bachelor party last weekend, it was a few months back, (thanks again, Mizzle), and this blown out looks-like-a-former-punk chick approached me, possibly because I was wearing the one black t-shirt I owned and this maybe made me look like one of her ex boyfriends whose name she tattooed on her ass before he started beating her with a hanger over who storted the last line or something like that, and asked if I wanted to go to the VIP room. "Yeah, I'm not giving you my money. Sorry." B.@.D says, because paying for it isn't how he gets down. She tells me she'll make me the "happiest man alive", and I'm like "you'll pay for a mortgage and scrape the snow off my car outside? Awesome!" Low and behold, she didn't want to talk anymore.

AND, at the bachelor party last weekend, myself and Aaron go grab ourselves some drinks. We're drinking them and Aaron is telling me a story that he can't get through, because a waitress comes and asks if we want shots. We reply no. She asks us if we're sure. Yes, I'm sure, thank you, no. She says "Hh, come on..." and this continues for a solid 5 minutes. After that continued awhile, I'm fed up, so I grab Aaron's arm and say "Aaron! I have a story too! One time this buddy of mine was trying to tell me a story but some stupid annoying whore behind the bar kept bothering me... and then low and behold, SHE didn't want to talk anymore either! Turns out I may have a knack for this kinda thing.

A Couple'a Things...

This job is like a permanent paid vacation. Yes, I'm writing this right now at work. If you're reading this at work, congratulations on beating the system. If you're not at work, you really need to find a job where they pay you for this sort of thing.

One might ask why I would bother going on vacation at all with so much time to write. I could say "so that I can do school", but that'd be a friggin' blatant lie. They remastered Descent 1 and 2, so myself and Miz and Big D have been playing that non-stop here. 5 hours yesterday, as well as up until the wayyyyyyy early hours of the morning after the place closes.

I have a date with a super hot girl I met tonight. Go me.

I need an agent or a secretary.

H2 is going to be quite horrorshow, my little devotchkas.

I can't wait until next week. So much fun is ahead.

Did I mention I have a date with a retarded-hot girl tonight?

Television Everyone Should Watch To Dull The Pain Of My Absense

Prison Break: Amazing season, amazing finale. Coming off of last season, I would have never thought they could have matched it, but they kept an AMAZING pace. Easily one of my favorite TV shows of all time. If you haven't watch this, CHECK IT OUT.

The Shield: New season is pretty great so far, which isn't easy to do coming off the shocking death of a major character.

Lost: This one seems to be getting negative press. I personally still love it, because they WILL tie up all the loose ends eventually, which keeps me watching. I especially LOVED the MAJOR twist we saw this week.

24: Picking up steam towards the end of the season. Not my favorite season so far, but it has to potential to end nicely.

Entourage: Just recently got into this one while I had to kill time at work or home on the rare occasion I wasn't working on school but it kicks ASS. Check it out.

30 Rock: Best new show of the season. I put a clip up of the highlights on the sidebar, you're welcome. Alec Baldwin can scream at his daughter all he wants, I will never stop watching this hilarious show.

Speaking of which, if I find funny or interesting videos during my absense that I think everyone should see, I will maybe find it in my heart to post them for you guys, since without me you'd probably all go watch The Hills and some show where the build a house for a kid with no arms.

Movies Everyone Should Go See To Dull The Pain Of Your Existence During My Absense
- Blood Diamond
- Casino Royale
- Miami Vice

In Closing...

I've enjoyed writing this season, which was something I didn't think I was going to enjoy. This has probably been the most challenging time of my entire life with all the changes and challenges. I am also quickly becoming tres busy. Not that that's a bad thing.

In case anyone is still unawares, by the grace of God, my friends, and my family, I'm good. I'm great.

I don't know when I'll be resuming writing, but I know for a fact it's going to be 2-4 months. I'll return with another B.@.Dsaga installment. I'll have someone else communicate the exact dates when I know what the date will be. Yes, I realize this is longer than usual, but there are changes going on. This is why I have other writers, and hey, if that doesn't cut it, then just don't come here for a few months.

I'll see you when I see you, enjoy the finale!

God Bless,


Anonymous said...

bye bad!!!!!! cant wait for teh finale!!!!!

Anonymous said...

GP bad

Anonymous said...

hahahah i LOVE that 30 Rock video... the finale was great too, adn bad i cant WAIT until tUes

Anonymous said...

does no one think b-rush will die???

Anonymous said...

no one from the 5 are dying

Anonymous said...

good post bad, WELL MISS YOU!!!!!

B-Rush said...

Oh god.... B-Rush might die?



Sorry i've been MIA everyone, I'll be back for something interesting after the BADsaga (don't wanna steal any of his thunder or anything)

Anonymous said...

BRUSH is still alive!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

you guys seem to equate lack of posting with a character dying in the saga. thats why everyone is guessing b-rush or kat? i dont think thats the case.

Anonymous said...

pcp died last year, and he was at the end of his rope

Anonymous said...


and he wasnt an actual PERSON, he was a little joke character BAD made up to spice up his posts

Anonymous said...

GP bad, and i cant wait until tomorrow to find out

Anonymous said...

i like the way bad slicked out his name with the "@" thing now

Anonymous said...

I read a spoiler/teaser. Mizzle dies but comes back resurrected in the start of next season.