Silent Ending

So there's a little less than a month left remaining on this little peice of internet land of mine. Kinda funny, hey? Doesn't really seem like it's been that long. At least it doesn't to me.

On that topic, I want the last few posts I have to write here to be comment-free. Detractors seem to love that thing, but... you know what, I was thinking the other day about how this is all coming to an end soon. And I remembered why I started this. I started this for myself. Not for anybody else. And I don't care what anybody else thinks.

So for the record, the comments are gone. On all the posts. They're not deleted. They're just gone. I can bring them back if and when I choose. Who knows. But for now, they're history. And will be at least until I am done with this site. The last few posts, I want to just be what I want them to be and have that be it.

I wrote the last scene of the B.@.Dsaga today. Kind of bittersweet. But very good to be done and I'm very happy that I was able to end it, and able to end it well.

It's been a tough year. A lot of ups, a lot of downs. A lot of in-betweens, and a lot of confusion. Transition is the best word for it.

I look back at life a year ago and think... I was with Aleta. I was about to go to Mexico. I was about to go into management at Co-op.

I stayed in management at Co-op for 30 days before I quit. Aleta ran off to BC. I lived in the gym, and still do to an extent. For the first time ever, I dated more in a few months than I have for the rest of my life combined. And for the first time ever, I regretted dating a girl that I was with.

I have a great new job at Chrylser Financial, doing something I enjoy and making as much as I was when I left Co-op. I have a great new car. I have a great new girl, that I'm hoping will stick around. I've never been healthier. I've never been in better shape.

Who knows what 2008 will have? On the one hand, it's kind of scary. On the other, it's exciting. Part of me feels like I wouldn't know what to do if more stuff came down in such a short time, but the other part of me feels like anything that comes down now, I can deal with.

Hopefully things continue on the path they're on now. But we'll see. You deal with that comes, because what else can you do. You do your best.

It'll be wierd not having this site to write on. But I'd like to thank everyone for listening. This is an outlet. One that I don't think I need anymore. But one that will be cool to look back into some day and remember what I thought and why I thought it.

Anyways, par the course I'm not too sure where I was going with this. I need to sleep.
God Bless,

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