Thank You And Goodnight

So, I spent a while trying to tweak a last post bringing everything together. But I couldn't get it right.

Then I realized that the last post doesn't have to be everything summed up. This site can be what it is, with everything I've ever written staying here for everyone to see... I've said enough over the past 4 years that everyone knows enough about me, and trying to "sum it up" would be irrelevant and probably wouldn't tell you anything that you didn't already know.

I am leaving you at a time in my life when everything could not be better. Very happy and very healthy, and moving to and looking towards the future, and it sure looks bright.

Thanks to everyone for reading. My posts, everyone's posts, The B.@.Dsaga. It's been great. I've had a lot of fun doing it, and I hope you all had fun reading it.

Maybe I'll see everyone somewhere else on the net someday.
It's been a pleasure. Thank you and goodnight.
Blair "B.@.D" Douglas

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