Another all-nighter... where's the razor blades at?

It's 6 AM, and death is an option... Red Bull, on the other hand, is no longer an option, it's a requirement to make it through this morning.

Yeah, you guessed it, had to jet in here early again this morning to study for another test. Then Nikkilicious called aound 7 PM and wanted to swim at Talisman, which sounded mighty tempting, so we went and did it up with Dan & his buddy Justin.

Things I learned swiming? Nikkilicious re-taught me how to dive, because I hadn't done it since childhood, and we tried to teach Dan how to tread water. This is Small Town Living 101 here folks... they do not teach these kids how to tread. Me & Nikki we're out there for about 15 minutes, these shaggy small-towners lasted all of 1 minute. On the upside, they can do some entertaining stuff with a diving board, so all was not lost. Plus, the jets in the hot tub felt fantastic on the pinched nerve in my back, so good idea Nikki & Dan, we should do that more often.

We ended up shutting the place down 'till 11, then decided that swimming had made us hungry. No one likes to sleep when hungry. So we strut into Melrose, everybody's hair looking like a drowned rat except for mine 'cause I don't got any, and everybody orders wings except me. I order bruschetta. About 5 minutes later, everybody's got their wings and is digging in. An hour after that, I still got no brushetta. I figure no worries, I'll eat at home.

So we get up and are ready to leave when the girl comes over and tells me the brushetta will be "right out". Fantastic, thanks a lot, you whore. Over an hour to put something that's probably pre-made onto some flatbread. Dynamite. Thanks also for stabbing me in the eye with your cheesy acrylic nail while reaching across the table to pick up an empty glass. Word.

So "right out" turned out to mean another 20 minutes, and I couldn't even enjoy it because I was too busy cringing at the combined thoughts of how long it was going to take this drink tramp to get us our bill, and consequently, how much sleep I was actually gonna get.

Long story short (or maybe it's too late for that), ended up getting home at about 1:30, and knowing I was gonna have to get up at 4. I caught up on some e-mail while getting ready for bed, then before I knew it, it was 2. What's the point in getting only 2 hours of sleep, I figured. Pulling an all-nighter f*cks me up way less than getting 2 hours of sleep. 2 hours is like putting a band-aid on a gunshot wound. All it makes you do is want something better than a band-aid, or in this case, something better than 2 hours.

So I studied, watched some late night TV, caught up on some long overdue e-mail, and now I'm here. Roughly 4.5 hours until sleep time, where I plan on sleeping 'till 3:30, which is the latest I can sleep and not be late for work. I am sleeping in as late as possible tomorrow morning. My internet connection isn't working right now, so I'll try to post this when I get into class.

Sweet raisin danish, I got a pass to go to the advance screening of Guess Who! That looks hilarious, I say it'll be better than Meet The Parents / Meet The Fockers. But only because Bernie Mac is the king.

CM Punk .vs. Midajah is the best guy .vs. girl match I've ever seen. Lita had some good ones with Malenko a few years ago, but these top even that. Props to Punk for not being afraid to put over a girl, the man in class.

Everyone is complaining about Paris & Nicole on "Simple Life" from the funeral home episode. I say big deal. Lighten up, they're good kids. They mean well, really they do.

Quote For Today: "That's hot."
- Paris Hilton


Anonymous said...

hahahaha, anotehr winner

nail in the eye, bet that stung

yochanan said...

Paris Hilton?
who cares?

How is Canukistan today?

Anonymous said...


i'm american
i've seen your site

and i think you're an idiot