All comments from P.c.P we're taken from Another Mother Against's comment board posts...
Anonymous said...
Another Mother Against, again!! Remember me? That's right, my friend, she is back.
Be still, my beating heart.
Apparently my kids still read your site, unbenknownst to me. Some time ago in a wrestling post, you mentioned a promotion called Ring of Honor and recommended getting some of their DVD's.
I don't remember doing this. But it sounds like something I'd do.
Well, they got Ring Of Honor DVD's all right... on MY credit card.
Good work, you gutsy little bastards. Personally, I would have taken the card and run away from home like you we're running from Neverland Ranch, but that's me.
And Ring Of Honor won't take them back.What's worse than that is the content of the DVD's... fireballs thrown, faces stomped, and all around dangerous stunts that are a TERRIBLE influence on kids!!!
So I'm responsible for what Ring Of Honor puts on their shows... that's interesting. You know, if you're going to get surprised that a promotion where one of the lead wrestlers names is "Homicide" has violent stuff on their shows, it's a pretty safe bet that you're going to get surprised a lot in life. And not in good ways.
I have now banned them from watching wrestling as well as reading your site, and I myself will be reporting your site to the proper authorities (again), so ensure that your future activities are governed accordingly with that information.
You also banned them a year and a bit ago, and if that had worked, then we wouldn't be here. Frankly, most kids don't have the kind of determiniation that it sounds like yours do, so you must be doing something right (or horribly wrong).
Yours truly,
Another Mother Against
(Thanks for the name! I don't forget.)
Neither does an elephant, and I'm willing to bet there are some similarities.
Anonymous said...
My kids we're caught watching Ring of Honor on the TV today. I have now restricted all channels with wrestling on them.
Good work!
At first I thought you we're a crazy bitch. Now I just think you're a crazy lying bitch. Your kids didn't find Ring Of Honor on TV, Ring Of Honor is not on TV. Dumbass.
Kids don't come with instruction manuals. Just thought you should know that before you write another "hilarious" post defaming my parenting.
Actually, there are literally tens of thousands of books written on parenting.
But if none of these twenty-thousand-plus books work for you, I figure me and the staff here at B.a.D LiveJournal should create something like this:
Complete with the online online version of the parenting test...

And so on and so on and so on, with basic ridicule and so forth... that's enough for today. I think you get the basic gyst.
Dumbass. Feel free to stop by again, like I said, it's not hard to come up with material with you around.
Choke on it.
very nice, very nice :D
CHOKE ON IT, crazy bitch
is it ANY WONDER the world rasises the kids that it does with parents like her?
speaking as a mom, reading her posts make me really mad because they're just so short-sighted
good work BAD
LOVE the dummies cover
choke on it! HAHAHAHA!
choke on what?
i love this place :D
hahahahaha welcome back indeed
where's the counter?
Who exactly is she "reporting" to?
who knows and who knows
the counter is at the way bottom, scroll down
hahahaha i love the title
and why is the counter at the bottom???
love the post BAD
why no miz or kat this week???
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