Holy Fack She Posted Something

Whoa, long time no post!!!!!! Sooooo my excuse is.....uh.....oh f*ck it, I have no excuse. Sorry guys. Now that summer's almost over, I promise I'll try and do better. Let's see, where to begin....

Update #1: Katastrophe's Love Life:

Still seeing the same amazing guy, it's been a whopping 2 months now......it's been going very well, and I can only see it getting better! We've also come up with those disgustingly sweet nick-names for eachother that make anyone other than the 2 of us want to hurl, hahaha......I had to throw that one in for you, B.a.D. Apparently "Sweets" is a new curse word.

B.a.D Sez:
(shotgun sound)

My man works out of town, though, so he's gone most of the time. That's what phones are for....... I'm certain that I'm personally paying for several early retirements, rounds of golf and cases of cristal for the 'wonderful' people of telus.

Update #2: Katastrophe's Work Life:

I've found yet another new job.....I guess you could kind of say I'm in the office industry, without my giving up my place of employment. You could also definitely say I'm doing menial tasks and errands for random people all day, every day. Hmmm.....I'm pretty much the public's bitch, LOL! It's fun, though, and challenging to an extent....I'm surrounded by expensive office machines and unfathomable amounts of paperwork all day, and believe it or not......I haven't broken/accidentally set fire to anything! If you know me personally, this is actually quite a fabulous feat. When machines stall or stop working around me, my tried and true method is to give it a little 'love' tap. If that doesn't work, I proceed to beat the crap out of it. This is the extent of my technology repair skills, lol. If anyone out there knows what a f*cking Vivo is.....you know precisely what I'm talking about, and if you're even semi-intelligent, you've replaced it with something that works.

Update #3: Katastrophe's Social Life:

This is where things start to get a little more interesting......In the past 2 weeks alone, I have managed to drink myself beyond repair I'd estimate....4 times.....ish. I'm talking comatose styles.....I not only managed to lose several packs of smokes and lighters, I mis-placed a shirt (it's not what you think, I swear), my make-up bag, a few bottles/cans of the crap that got me wasted in the first place, a disposable camera (which I'm certain will come back to haunt me sometime in the future), my beloved cell phone (I died a little inside when I realized it was gone the next day), yet another pair of sunglasses, my reading glasses and the best/funniest/definitely weirdest one of all.......a pair of shoes. That's right. I, Katastrophe, lost the pair of f*cking shoes that at the beginning of the night were on my feet!!!!!!!!!!

How does that even happen!?!?! And how the hell did I manage to make it home with no shoes on!?!?!?! Not to mention all of the mystery bruises......
Needless to say, I'm taking a little break from the sauce.....lol, but I sure can drink with the best of them!!!!

I also went to the recent tattoo convention that was in Calgary at the Roundup Centre. Wicked good times!!!! I caught a glimpse of Kat Von D, from the show Miami Ink......the only girl that does it for me.....there was also some guy there who calls himself the enigma......uh.....now, I love tattoos, and all.....but tattooing yourself from head to toe in green puzzle pieces, splitting your tongue *shudder* and having horn-like implants on your skull while depositing windex into your stomach through a tube sticking out of your nose, regurgitating it, then putting it back into your stomach......well.....that's just horribly, horribly wrong on so many levels. My sincerest apologies to anyone reading this at any meal time, lol. Why would anyone want to make themselves so hideous anyways????? Does this man have a girlfriend???? Is she the bearded fat lady from the circus I once heard about???? Perhaps a midget......

Heehee, good times. One final thing before I go...I was conversing with B.a.D the other day when we actually got into quite a heated debate over the most ridiculous topic of all time. To think that someone could like Star Trek *puke* better than Star Wars *purrrrrrrr* is a sin. It was actually a very comical altercation, however, and so it gave me an idea for the site........debate posts. I think it could be mildly entertaining at the very least.....and we shall begin with the above mentioned debate. So next time the 2 of us hang out, I'll see if he's up for it.



Anonymous said...

good god that stuff about the guy from the convention... the wahtever she called it... regurgitating guy... GOD

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Kat!

Good post! I am so jealous you got to see Kat Von D. Did you talk to her or anything? Was she tattoing at the time? I want to throw vivo at blair's head, i think that would help the problem.

Anonymous said...

good post, still cant WAIT for tomorrow tho

Anonymous said...

who the fuck is kat von d

Anonymous said...

LOVE that poster

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wow she DOES use the word "fack"

and sweets
*double shudder*