Proud (?) to be American

Just wanted to take a second to let you all know that Heather has basically scrapped the Blog, she prefers e-mailing for some reason. But for those of you who've been asking, she's doing great. She sent us an e-mail today, and one part of it in particular is worth reading:

We have met a ton of people from Australia and a few Americans. We start talking to them, and somehow Bush comes up and they apologize. It's funny. We have been mistaken for Americans a few times too and people apologize. It's hilarious. A few Americans told us they pretend to be Canadian just to be safe. Also funny!!

Funny, to hear CNN talk, you'd think that the rest of the world loved America for bringing "peace" to the Middle East. Can't wait 'till Dad reads that e-mail.

Song Of The Day: Young Buck- Stomp (feat. The Game & Ludacris)


Anonymous said...

manchester here, it's like that all over the UK, i can say that much at least

Anonymous said...

good ol' hate-the-us

gota get me sum of that :D

Anonymous said...

Americans SHOULD apologize for Bush

yochanan said...


to hell with america bashing

Anonymous said...

Got a "Quote Of The Day" of my own, hope I don't step on your toes, B.a.D:

"Free Nations Do Not Develop Weapons Of Mass Destruction."
-George Bush HIMSELF

So why, WHYYYYYYYYYYYY the fuck do you get to have 2600 more than everybody else??????

THIS IS WHY THE WORLD HATES AMERICA, YOCHANAN... they think they're above the law, and that they can police the world.

By the way, I'm American too... and ashamed to be American, just like the people B.a.D's sister met.

Anonymous said...

TESTIFY, AmericaBlows!!!

you and b.a.d coudln't have said it any better

Anonymous said...

I dont like MONSTER.. is she american?!?! lol Must be!.. damn alcoholic, drinking stolen canadian whiskey before class. *argh*

Anonymous said...

In Regards to the womans email saying that she may take some action against you, if you don't delete some of your "questionable content" I say, sounds like its time for a "disclaimer" to ward off them ignorant Americans.

-Jiggy J-

Anonymous said...

America doesnt suck, blow, or anything,The leaders of their government are complete idiots,I took a trip to the states for a month a few months back, the people are just as nice, maybe nicer then people here, so therefor i find america is good.
canada is better
england. is the best

Anonymous said...

People may think that Americans suck and are rude but America still has the best shopping....Victoria's Secret baby!!! And personally I have never had a problem with Americans, they've always been nice to me......they just like the pretty people Blair. You can have the smarts in this relationship babe.....I've got the looks! LOL

Anonymous said...

Remember this one thing, people...

not once has b.a.d. said that he hates americans, in any post

just that he doesn't care for this leadership

not sure if anyone thought he did hate americans or not, just wanted to throw that out there


Anonymous said...

- learned student of human nature and history are over-whelmingly convinced that people long for liberty, security and freedom, however few (individuals and even fewer countries) have the patience, perseverance and courage (loss of life)to live those principles and values and actually do something change the conditions. The foregoing is just one of the reaspns that the Untied States has been the destination of choice for immigrants from around the world for over a century now.
- if the Saddam genocide against his own population and neighboring Countires (rape, killing, torture, maming, chemical warfare, imprissonment, etc.)was occuring at the house next door to us, and being exported to the neighbor on the other side of us, would we stand by and do nothing about it? Would we burn down our own homes (remember Saddam set fires on all of the oil fields at the end of 1st Gulf War - tantamount to Environmental and Economic Genocide against mankind)? Remeber Saddam was paying the Familes of Suicide Bombers $25M U.S. to go into Day Care Centres in Isreal and blow up innocent children and families) and that Money came from the Food for Oil Program administered by the United Nations.
- In the History of the World, the United States is the only superpower (Military and Economic) to not have expanded and occupied territory and Countries with the use of its military. I am convinced the U.S is on a path to leaving Iraq and is influencing very positive and meaningful changes in the political, social and economic landscape of the Middle East and the World. Left to their own resources and devices, I am convinced the Evil exisitng in the Middle East would have continued to grow and gain momentum, possibly creating apocoliptic conditions world wide.
- while the U.S. is the most generous Nation and People in the History of the World in terms of giving and aid to others, there is much more that they and others need to be doing, especially Canada. 80% of the World's Wealth is produced and held by 20% of the World's Population. On a positive note, the continued expansion of (True, Fair and Balanced) Free Trade and the Kyoto Treaty Agreements represents a very good start. I expect the U.S. will sign on to the Kyoto Treaties sometime going forward, when the Economic, Political and Social Conditions and compliance requirements of same can be successfully managed and the risks sufficiently mitigated. I just read a very insightful book around some of the issues and challenges associated with this and is recommended reading: "In the Eyes of Anahita."
- as for the apologetic Americans we experience abroad, it has been my epxerience that most people find it easier and more secure to apologize than to disagree and defend positions that are unpopular elsewhere. Who after all, in their heart of hearts, would be against not killing innocent unborn babies, addressing and remediating the miriad of social, political and economic ills of the world. Or maybe the majority of Americans that voted for Bush and the Republican Party do not travel abroad. I am reminded that the most profound social and economic changes in the history of the world have often been unpopular and those leading the change have often been very unpopular, ie: in the case of the United States Abraham Lincoln and the end of Slavery, Franklin Deleware Roosevelt and World War 2 involvement saving the World from Nazism, Communism, Facism and World Wide Oppression and Genocide, Ronald Reagan and the dissolution of the Iron Curtain and Communism, etc. I fully expect that history will look back and evaluate the Bush Presidency as the beginnings of profound and positive change for the whole world. I hope so, because doing nothing or chosing not to confront a growing evil in the world would, in my view, been far worse than doing nothing, despite the costs and many mis-steps taken in the fog of the war on terrorism and inhumanity onto man.
- It is always easier for us to attack what we are jealous of, do not get or do not understand. Your BLOG responses certainly validate this reality and we all experience this on a daily basis in our lives. I think the real answer lies in accepting and respecting the views and actions of others, accepting them for what they are, not demonizing them for cheap political, social and economic means and work on changing the hearts and minds of others. If a caterpillar can so easilly morph itself into a butterfly, then why is it so hard for people to change? Why are we so afraid to be wrong and say I am sorry? After all, all of us have so many wrong doings to apolgize for and when we can truly forgive ourselves, then we can easilly forgive others.
- I respect your views and those of the other anti-American sentiments, I just respectfully and hopefully knowledgebly disagree.



Anonymous said...

I agree 100%.

Hopefully the pissing competition can be laid to rest... for today.

Anonymous said...

perhaps, but no one answered AmericaBlows' question about why the U.S. think no one else can have nuclear weapons but them.

ALSO, just because we are aganist the current actions, does not mean that we are FOR THE OTHER SIDE, so don't even go there.


Anonymous said...

Well i did not mean to spur up controversy. But that is what happened and its happened a few times since. Every american we have met has been super nice though. Its just funny. People feel so bad for mistaking us for americans

I didnt have time to read dads marathon post but i will later.

Love Heather

Anonymous said...

Obviously Justin didn't either.

ah well, he'll figure it out.

Anonymous said...

Obviously Justin didn't either?

I read the whole thing, and not found one reason why The U.S. thinks it's the only one allowed to have nukes,


Anonymous said...

The U.S. built its nuclear cpability and arsenal to defend itself and the free world (remember it was the U.S. who stood on guard at the Berlin Wall in Germany and the 39th Parrlel in Korea) against the spread of Communism and against overwhelming superiority in military forces and nuclear arms pointed at them. Remember the tens and tens of millions op people murdered under Stalin's Rule and North Korea is starving its own population to death, ... Remember it is the US that has led and done more than the rest of world put together in the area of Nucular Disarmanent negotiations and reductions and led the world in the Salt Treaties. The U.S. is now moving to build a missle defence system which would enable a further quantum reduction in its and the world's nuclear arsenal. And Canada will not even agree to participate in the defence of its own country and poeople, despite the fact that the U.S. was going to carry all of the costs - what is with that? Remember, it is the U.S. which is ponying up and helping the old Soviet Empire to locate and destroy its nuclear arms supplies and reducing its own arsenal as the threat from this corner of the world. IT TAKES COURAGE AND FAITH TO LEAD!!!

Anonymous said...

Furthermore, a World Free from the threat of Nuclear War and Arms is the stated goal of the U.S. however, cannot and should not be done unilaterally. There is still too much risk, evil and terrorism out there in the World in places like North Korea, Iran, Syria, ... to unilaterally disarm.

Anonymous said...

so in other words.......

they believe they have the right to police the world.

then they wonder why other countries don't like them... hmmmmmm


Anonymous said...

If not the U.S., then Who? Canada, which will not even make a token effort to defend itself, France which bought a lot of Iraqi Oil and aided and abetted Saddam to fund the $25M Suicide Bombers, helping Iraq - financially and otherwise, under the Food for Oil Program; or the United Nations which has a history of rewarding corruption? I know of no other Counrty more worthy to lead the World than the U.S., just as the U.S. led the World in World War 2, the resistance against Communism and is leading the war against Aids, Poverty and Oppression. It is time for the rest of the World to step up and do the right things, for the right reasons, and now is the right time. If not the U.S. leading, not policing, the World, then Who? I for one am grateful for their Leadership, generosity of spirit and deed, imperfect as it may be, it is our best hope and choice.

Anonymous said...

a lot of the time the leaders who step up at work, school, etc.... are certainly not the ones who are best for the job.

Anonymous said...

I feel the need to add to the last comment. The way the U.S. is going about this is basically ensuring that the terrorism never ends, because they're making most of the world way more angry.

Anonymous said...


A few universal truths: 1) The difference between good and evil, right and wrong is found in the hearts of man, not in the heads of man. 2) In the heart of hearts of man, the difference between good and evil, right and wrong, are easilly distinguishable in the great majoprity of cases, remembering that they each need to co-exist to exist and without them change would not be possible. 3) By not trying to be all things, to all people, at all times, humanity motivated by good and right to action against evil and wrong, man is actually being all things, to all people, at all times.

So many questions: a) Would Syria be handing Saddam's Evil Relative to Iraq for trial without the Iraq War? b) Would Lebanon be committed to holding much more free elections? c) Would Egypt be holding much more free, multi-party elections? d) Would Palestine have had a free election and be on the march to peace with Isreal? e) Would free elections and the will of the people have prevailed in the Ukraine? f) Would the people of Iraq with over-whelming courage have showed up to vote in their own free elections? g) Would Omar have abandoned his Nuclear Program? h) Would other Countries, such a Germany and France, now be committed and investing in a free and sovereign Iraq?


To quote Red Green: "We are all in this together, I'm pulling for you."


Anonymous said...

when you can't answer a question without writing a 3 page monologue that goes off topic quite a bit, i'd say your at a loss to come up with a solid reason.

it's tuesday tomorrow, so we should have a new post! w00-h00!

- JEff

Anonymous said...