The B.@.Dcrew Says Goodbye

WHAT? B-Rush is still alive!?!?!?

Yes - yes, unfortunately to some, but most are happy, I AM still alive!

It's been hard lately to try and post - When I've got free time to post, there's nothing to post about... However, most of the time.... there's just no time at all. New job's just been keeping me stupid busy, and with year end coming up - it's crazy here now. Either way, this is the end.

Only a few days left as the banner says.....Gotta say I'm looking forward to the closure of the B.@.DSaga - should be a great read, I've enjoyed the whole story thus far. BUT, with the closure of the saga - also comes the closure of the livejournal.

Sad? Nah, not really. It was fun while it lasted, but good things can't last forever (except of course for the Simpsons).

So with that - and a busy day at work ahead of me, I would like to say Thank You. To B.@.D, to the fellow LiveJournalists, to all the readers/comenters. It's been fun, and it's been a unique experience. I feel privileged to have been a part of this site, not only as B-Rush, but also as a fan.

It was a great site before I was ever a part of it, and have had a great time reading.

Merry Christmas everyone.


So the time has come, the end is near.

It's hard to know what to say, how do you begin an ending? When B.A.D. asked me to put something together for the final post, i sat staring at a blank screen for over 10 minutes, the great thing i found about the blog was that when you felt like writing, when you felt like you had something to say, you could log on and post. I don't think i've ever written a post under pressure before.

Personally, this year has been an upside down year. There has already been alot of endings. You know what they say though, for every door that closes, another is opening. It's been a real pleasure being able to write on this site, it's an anonymous outlet for whatever is on your mind and that is priceless.

The site wouldn't be special without the readers though, and it's you guys i want to thank for the support and the advice you have offered me throughout this ride that has been B.A.D.'s site. The site wouldn't be also if it wasn't for the man himself, B.@.D, thanks so much for the opportunity

It's at this time, at the end, that i regret not posting more often... but i guess life gets in the way, and that's just reality.

Best wishes to all for a happy, safe and fun holiday season. Perhaps sometime in the future we will all meet again, until then...

'How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.'
~Carol Sobieski


Mizzle has been unable to write anything due to holiday busy-ness, much like myself. If he gets something together in the next few days, I will post it. If not, well, I spoke with him this morning. He was in a Trader Vick's, and his hair was PERFECT.

Katastrophe is MIA... presumably in labor! Hope that mother and little devil-child who will likely be robbing me in 15 years are both well.

B.@.Dsaga finale WILL be up soon, I'm thinking start it on Wednesday, but there's a chance it will be a few days later. Sorry for the delay. I did have to move, y'know. Plus it's Christmas!

Maybe I'll have something to say before then... maybe not. I probably will. But for now... have a great, Merry Christmas!

God Bless,


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