
Whether it be created by man or nature, change is inevitable.

A seed grows into a small plant,then a tall tree, and then returns to the ground when it dies. Throughout its life, it will go through changes in nature. Sometimes the changes are subtle and not noticable. Sometimes they are very drastic and have strong impact. Either way, change filled its life.

The same can apply to people. You are born. Then, you live as a child, free to imagine and play. You begin to grow into a young adult, physically and mentally. Then, you become an adult, with the responsiblities of self.

The changes in your life can be good sometimes, but also bad. Whichever it may be, change has occurred. I would think the result of change relies on the person it happens to.

You can make the best of it, if you choose.

I have gone through many changes. Personally and professionally, I have experienced many different things because the world around me changed over time.

Imagine how boring things would be if we didnt have change.

Although change may be seen as a bad thing at first glance, change appears to have better results over time. Knowledge and experience are always gained through change.

Some may like it. Some may not. To understand it, changes must be made.



Anonymous said...

Wow bad - something big about to change in your life?????

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

cool post either way

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Don't Cry Because It's Over - Smile Because It Happened!"