Please see the bonesaw on your way out of the office

Lots of requests to put that e-mail from that angry mother up, but I'm gonna be honest with you, I lost it. It really doesn't deserve the time or energy for me to type it out, anyways. Let's put it this way; this is the type of parent who blames their kids behaviour on TV, movies, metal music, rap music, or video games. I've got a name for these people; morons.

I've been playing GTA: San Andreas since before Christmas and I've yet to shoot a hooker in the face or become a homicidal car jacker. I've been playing Mortal Kombat games since the childhood and I've never once gutted anyone like a rainbow trout. I've been listening to rap obsessively for 2 years now, and I've never done a drive-by. I've been into wrestling since birth and I've never attempted to hit someone over the head with a metal folding chair. Notice a pattern?

In case you don't, let me smack all of you with a rolled up newspaper and explain this. All of those things never happened, and for one reason. I was in a structured environment where I had it calmly explained to me that perhaps putting a guy headfirst through a stop sign may not be the best idea in the world, even if I just saw Sabu do it to Rob Van Dam.

If your kids are dumb enough to ram a railroad spike through someone's theigh because they saw it on Quake, that's a reflection of you, not them, and not the video game, music, movie, or TV industries. If they're young enough to be influnced by that, then you need to either not let them see it, or see it with them and explain to them what's right and what's wrong in the real world. But myself, I prefer to let people, kids and otherwise learn lessons for themselves because those are the only ones that stick. That's how I learned my best lessons. Try to guide them the best you can, but that's about the extent of it.

Example: The Game did not attempt to kill 50 Cent because he saw it in GTA. He did it beause he's an angry young man, like most rappers. (That's what makes the music so good, in my opinion... it's the passion.)

So why do parents blame other people? Because it's easier than blaming themselves, duh. There was a kid in Virginia a few years back who jumped on his sisters head. Literally. The mother blamed it on Super Mario. Asinine.

Anyways, if you're too dumb to understand what I'm saying, then you need to be one of the candidates that need to take a test before you're allowed to have children. I'd be willing to give writing that test a go:

1.) If a child cries, you should:
a) feed it
b) discipline it
c) call it "stupid"

2.) If a child gets poor grades, you should:
a) tutor it
b) discipline it
c) call it "stupid"

If you fail, you have to leave some body parts with the front desk. Or start taking some responsability for your parenting.

Quote Of The Day: "When a kid's gettin' bullied and shoots up his school, they blame it on Marilyn (Manson). Where we're the parents at?!"
- Eminem


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Speaking as the mother of a 5 year old...

Double amen.